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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Planet of the Apes (2001) System : DVD Video Date Added : 2005-01-31 16:00:10 Views : 22240 DVD Production Credits Go to the [Languages] selection on the first disc. Go down all the way and push the [Right] arrow key on your remote to highlight a picture of an ape with a helmet. Click on it and you'll see the DVD credits. Statue of Thade In chapter 35, at approximately 1:25 minutes into the chapter when the statue of Thade is presented in full view, hit the play button again, and you will instantaneously be transported to a "making of" scene and decisions being made about the statue. Note: This is actually a feature when viewed in ENHANCED VIEWING MODE. Cast Auditions If you look at some of the [Cast Bios], you will find footage from their audition tapes. Bonus Ape Commentary On Disc 1- Select [Special Features], then select [Commentaries], then press the down arrow to highlight the "back" button, then press the "up" arrow to highlight a red monkey that is between the top of the swords. This will play a special "Ape" language commentary of the movie, but it fast forwards to only scenes of the ape in the spacesuit in the beginning of the movie. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Planet of the Apes (2001) cheat codes.
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